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Showing posts with label Hacking Softwares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking Softwares. Show all posts

You want to know how to increase yourInfolinks revenue (if you infolinks publisher) on your website or Blog. The following tips are the results of my experiment with Infolinks. If you are Infolinks publisher maybe the following tips useful for you to increase your Infolinks revenue and get more money from infolinks. But no guarantee your revenue will increase after do this tip and trick on your Blog or on your website. Some of my friends said after do this tips the infolinks CTR and revenue increases
Here the screen-shot my Infolinks revenue before and after using this tips.
Before using this tips
Before using this tips
After using this tips and tricks
After using this tips and tricks
To use this tips and tips you must Login to your Infolinks account and then click “Integration Guide”. Here are tips you can do to increase your income with Infolinks
Tips 1: “Set links highlight color” and equated with the color the link in your blog.
Tips 2: Set underline link type to “dotted”, on my Infolinks account this tips increase CTR about 1%.
Tips 3: Set max allowed number of links per page to 6 or more. This tip will increase your CTR.
Tips 4: Set content category. On my experiment, business category gives more eCPM result.

SphereXP - the world's number one three-dimensional desktop.
alt text
YODM 3D - Virtual Desktop Manager featuring the Cube 3D effect
alt text
Matodate - Manage windows more easily in a 3D desktop
alt text
BumpTop™ is a fun, intuitive 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you more productive.
alt text

Recently, I had some troubles with my computer, so it is becoming very difficult to post articles or blogs on my site . Therefore I spent some time in  internet cafés for updating little- bit my system, playing LAN games,chat and much more , but that was so much costly. Then to solve this problem- I have  researched a lot and back with some hacking trick. You don't need to install any software or hacking skills to do for this trick. It's very simple and anyone with a bit computer knowledge can do it, Lets start.
How to disable the timer on the computers in Internet Café  ?

1. First of all create a new Text Document. Then write CMD in it, and then save it as anything.bat. (Make sure you're file is .bat) 

2. Now find your batch (.bat) file and run it. If you've done it correctly, you'll see that CMD (Command Prompt) will open.
3. Now, write in the CMD: cd\windows (This will change the directory to WINDOWS). Then type regedit and regedit editor should open.

4. Now navigate to: 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER>AppEvents>Software>Classes>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>

Internet Settings>Policies>System

5. Then on the right pane where it says Disable Task manager, right click on it and scroll down to modify, then change the value of it to 0. Then open Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE or CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE) and disable the Internet Cafe's timer.

Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations.
Some other options are:


Crunch generates wordlists in both combination and permutation ways
It can breakup output by number of lines or file size
Now has resume support
Pattern now supports number and symbols
Pattern now supports upper and lower case characters separately
Adds a status report when generating multiple files

You can


Crunch here:

Gone are the days when website hacking was a sophisticated art. Today any body can access through the Internet and start hacking your website. All that is needed is doing a search on google with keywords like “how to hack website”, “hack into a website”, “Hacking a website” etc. The following article is not an effort to teach you website hacking, but it has more to do with raising awareness on somecommon website hacking methods.

The Simple SQL Injection Hack
SQL Injection involves entering SQL code into web forms, eg. login fields, or into the browser address field, to access and manipulate the database behind the site, system or application.
When you enter text in the Username and Password fields of a login screen, the data you input is typically inserted into an SQL command. This command checks the data you've entered against the relevant table in the database. If your input matches table/row data, you're granted access (in the case of a login screen). If not, you're knocked back out.
In its simplest form, this is how the SQL Injection works. It's impossible to explain this without reverting to code for just a moment. Don't worry, it will all be over soon.
Suppose we enter the following string in a User name field:
' OR 1=1 
The authorization SQL query that is run by the server, the command which must be satisfied to allow access, will be something along the lines of:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘USRTEXT '
AND password = ‘PASSTEXT
…where USRTEXT and PASSTEXT are what the user enters in the login fields of the web form.
So entering `OR 1=1 — as your username, could result in the following actually being run:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘' OR 1=1 — 'AND password = '’
Two things you need to know about this:
['] closes the [user-name] text field.
'double-dash-txt.png' is the SQL convention for Commenting code, and everything after Comment is ignored. So the actual routine now becomes:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user name = '' OR 1=1
1 is always equal to 1, last time I checked. So the authorization routine is now validated, and we are ushered in the front door to wreck havoc.
Let's hope you got the gist of that, and move briskly on.
Brilliant! I'm gonna go hack me a Bank!
Slow down, cowboy. This half-cooked method won't beat the systems they have in place up at Citibank,

But the process does serve to illustrate just what SQL Injection is all about — injecting code to manipulate a routine via a form, or indeed via the URL. In terms of login bypass via Injection, the hoary old ' OR 1=1 is just one option. If a hacker thinks a site is vulnerable, there are cheat-sheets all over the web for login strings which can gain access to weak systems. Here are a couple more common strings which are used to dupe SQL validation routines:
username field examples:

  • admin'—
  • ') or ('a'='a
  • ”) or (“a”=”a
  • hi” or “a”=”a
… and so on.

Cross site scripting ( XSS ):
Cross-site scripting or XSS is a threat to a website's security. It is the most common and popular hacking a website to gain access information from a user on a website. There are hackers with malicious objectives that utilize this to attack certain websites on the Internet. But mostly good hackers do this to find security holes for websites and help them find solutions. Cross-site scripting is a security loophole on a website that is hard to detect and stop, making the site vulnerable to attacks from malicious hackers. This security threat leaves the site and its users open to identity theft, financial theft and data theft. It would be advantageous for website owners to understand how cross-site scripting works and how it can affect them and their users so they could place the necessary security systems to block cross-site scripting on their website.

Denial of service ( Ddos attack ):
A denial of service attack (DOS) is an attack through which a person can render a system unusable or significantly slow down the system for legitimate users by overloading the resources, so that no one can access it.this is not actually hacking a website but it is used to take down a website.
If an attacker is unable to gain access to a machine, the attacker most probably will just crash the machine to accomplish a denial of service attack,this one of the most used method for website hacking .

Cookie Poisoning:
Well, for a starters i can begin with saying that Cookie Poisoning is alot like SQL Injection
Both have 'OR'1'='1 or maybe '1'='1'
But in cookie poisoning you begin with alerting your cookies
Then you will perharps see "username=JohnDoe" and "password=iloveJaneDoe"
in this case the cookie poisoning could be:
Javascript:void(document.cookie="username='OR'1'='1"); void(document.cookie="password='OR'1'='1");
It is also many versions of this kind... like for example
and so on...
You may have to try 13 things before you get it completely right...

Password Cracking
Hashed strings can often be deciphered through 'brute forcing'. Bad news, eh? Yes, and particularly if your encrypted passwords/usernames are floating around in an unprotected file somewhere, and some Google hacker comes across it.
You might think that just because your password now looks something like XWE42GH64223JHTF6533H in one of those files, it means that it can't be cracked? Wrong. Tools are freely available which will decipher a certain proportion of hashed and similarly encoded passwords.

A Few Defensive Measures
* If you utilize a web content management system, subscribe to the development blog. Update to new versions soon as possible.
* Update all 3rd party modules as a matter of course — any modules incorporating web formsor enabling member file uploads are a potential threat. Module vulnerabilities can offer access to your full database.
* Harden your Web CMS or publishing platform. For example, if you use WordPress, use this guide as a reference.
* If you have an admin login page for your custom built CMS, why not call it 'Flowers.php' or something, instead of “AdminLogin.php” etc.?
* Enter some confusing data into your login fields like the sample Injection strings shown above, and any else which you think might confuse the server. If you get an unusual error message disclosing server-generated code then this may betray vulnerability.
* Do a few Google hacks on your name and your website. Just in case…
* When in doubt, pull the yellow cable out! It won't do you any good, but hey, it rhymes.

1.hack system-

Well as i already mentioned u can hack any system as it is conected to what we call INTERNET . To connect internet a system allocates a port for communication and Data Transfer. SO here it goes all we goto do is get into that port thats hacking.

steps: -

1.Download software PORT SCANNER.
2.Copy the ip address of the victim whose port is open.
3.Download NETLAB which gives u all information includes victim ip address,Area from where he is accessing internet....
4.Paste the ip of victim u found initially into NETLAB .Thats it u access his system. can download netlab 1.4 and port scanner softwares from and torrentz also.

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