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Recently, I had some troubles with my computer, so it is becoming very difficult to post articles or blogs on my site . Therefore I spent some time in  internet cafés for updating little- bit my system, playing LAN games,chat and much more , but that was so much costly. Then to solve this problem- I have  researched a lot and back with some hacking trick. You don't need to install any software or hacking skills to do for this trick. It's very simple and anyone with a bit computer knowledge can do it, Lets start.
How to disable the timer on the computers in Internet Café  ?

1. First of all create a new Text Document. Then write CMD in it, and then save it as anything.bat. (Make sure you're file is .bat) 

2. Now find your batch (.bat) file and run it. If you've done it correctly, you'll see that CMD (Command Prompt) will open.
3. Now, write in the CMD: cd\windows (This will change the directory to WINDOWS). Then type regedit and regedit editor should open.

4. Now navigate to: 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER>AppEvents>Software>Classes>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>

Internet Settings>Policies>System

5. Then on the right pane where it says Disable Task manager, right click on it and scroll down to modify, then change the value of it to 0. Then open Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE or CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE) and disable the Internet Cafe's timer.

The number one biggest security hole is passwords, as every password security study shows. Hydra is a parallelized (multi-threaded) login cracker which supports attacking/cracking numerous protocols. New modules are easy to add, beside that, it is flexible and very fast.

Currently this tool supports:
          Postgres, Teamspeak, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, AFP, LDAP2,
          Cisco AAA (incorporated in telnet module).
Recent changes for v5.8
  • Added Apple Filing Protocol (thank to “never tired” David Maciejak @ gmail dot com)
  • Fixed a big bug in the SSL option (-S)
  • Additions prior to public release (v5.7 and before)
    • Added ncp support plus minor fixes (by David Maciejak @ GMAIL dot com)
    • Added an old patch to fix a memory from SSL and speed it up too from kan(at)
    • Removed unnecessary compiler warnings
    • Enhanced the SSH2 module based on an old patch from aris(at)
    • Fixed small local defined overflow in the teamspeak module. Does it still work anyway??
    • Moved to GPLv3 License (lots of people wanted that)
    • Upgraded ssh2 module to libssh-0.4.x (thanks to aris (at) for the 0.2 basis)
    • Added firebird support (by David Maciejak @ GMAIL dot com)
    • Added SIP MD5 auth patch (by Jean-Baptiste Aviat jba [at] hsc [dot] `french tld’)
    • Removed Palm and ARM support
    • Fix for cygwin which falsely detected postgres library when there was none.
    You can download Hydra v5.8 here:

RSMangler will take a word list and perform various manipulations on it similar to those done byJohn the Ripper with a few extras. It goes along well with our previous post on Password Cracking Wordlists and Tools for Brute Forcing.
There are other options too like - The Associative Word List Generator (AWLG).
The main new feature is permutations mode which takes each word in the list and combines it with the others to produce all possible permutations (not combinations, order matters). For example the words freds, fresh, fish will produce the following list:
Each of these new words is then subject to the other mangles, because of this we strongly recommend with permutations mode enabled (default) you use a very small wordlist, 3 start words create a final list containing 4245 words and 5 start words creates a list containing 91975. As a test we tried it with a few hundred words and gave up when the output file got to 3G. If you try to use a file with more than 5 words you will get a warning and the option to abort. Other mangles include adding the numbers 1 to 123 to the start and end, 01 to 09 to the start and end, various case manipulations, leet speak, word reversal, ed and ing on the end and doubling words up.
The initial wordlist can either be specified as a file or can be piped in through STDIN.
RSMangler is written in Ruby and therefore needs Ruby to be installed and working. The script needs to be made executable and it doesn’t rely on any gems or anything external.
You can download RSMangler here:

People spend a lot of time preparing for effective dictionary attack. Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP) is made to simplify this attack method that is often used as last resort in penetration testing and forensic crime investigations. A weak password might be very short or only use alphanumeric characters, making decryption simple. A weak password can also be one that is easily guessed by someone profiling the user, such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money or password.
Going through different combinations and algorithms, CUPP can predict specific target passwords by exploiting human vulnerabilities. In password creation, as in many aspects of life, everybody tends to the original solution, but thanks to human nature, we all tend to originality in the same way, leading to almost absolute predictability.
You can download CUPP v3.1 here:

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