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Note : If you get an error message about the proxy/update server being down, just keep trying to open the program. Sometimes the server times out for a few seconds.

Note : For running this software we requires .net framework 3.0 .

4. Enter the original sharecash download link and hit on "Go to Link" button.

Note : If new window open then just click on OK button.

5. check the status at the bottom of the window of sharecash downloader,when its show status "Ready to Download" After that clicked, on "Download" and you will be able to download the file without completing any surveys.

Note : If new window open then just click on OK button.

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Enjoy Sharecash downloader for downloading files without completing any survey....

how to hack email account passwords using Phishing.
I have illustrated how to hack myspace and orkut account passwords by phishing in my previous security articles. Now, i am writing this in-depth phishing tutorial with a view to provide answers to all reader queries. So, after reading this article, you will be able to hack email account password using email phishing. Phishing can be used to hack any account on web. Hence, Phishing is so much popular among hackers. Email account hacking can also be done using keylogger as explained in WinSpy keylogger.

Note : The security article is intended for educational purpose only. I am not responsible for any action done by you or any damage done to anyone.

Steps to Hack Email account password by phishing :

1. First of all, to start with you need a phisher of email account. For example, if you want to hack myspace, you should have myspace phisher. I have explained in my article How to make a myspace phishing site by Myspace Hacking software how to obtain phisher using "phisher creator" - a software to create phishers.

Free Download Phisher Creator software to hack email password.


2. Using guidelines in that article, construct a phisher. Say you want to make phisher. Just enter in text field of Phisher Creator and you will get required orkut phisher. This phisher will have :
a. Index.htm and
b. write.php

3. Go to - a webhosting service offering free webspace. Now, sign up to this webhost using "Orkut" or "OrkutVerification" as Username. This is very important to make phisher url match with that of orkut.

Update: Many readers have reported (via comments) problems with So, if you're having same problem, just try out Thanks "tryingtolearn" for your update.
Also, you can use  for uploading your phisher (Recommended).

4. Now, after signing up, login to your account and upload the two files created in step 2 using Phisher Creator.

5. Now, sign up at or and use "" or likewise email address while signing up. This will be email address visible to victim in his inbox. So, be careful while selecting this email address.

6. After signing up, compose mail such that it informs victim about the fact that you are a part of orkut support team and wanted to inform victim that his orkut account is accessed by illegal third party. Hence, you , as part of orkut support have mailed him to verify ownership of his orkut account by logging in his orkut account using the link provided and provide him the link of your orkut phisher ready to hack his orkut account password. You can use different logic to make him login his orkut account using our phisher.

Once, the victim tries to log into his account using our provided phisher link, his orkut account password is recorded at our free webhost. Now, just go to your account control panel and see your files database or list. You will get their one new file created named "passes.txt". If such file is not present, try refreshing the page and you will get that file. Now, simply click on "Open" and you will get victim userid and password recorded in that file.

Cheers.... his orkut account password hacked... You are, thus, able to hack orkut account password.

Update: If you wanna hack Email password, you can also use bestHacking software-WinSpy Keyloggerwhich is FUD (Fully UnDetectable). This is personally recommended keylogger from Techotips.

Thats it. I hope this security phishing tutorial is fullproof and you can now hack email account password using Email Phishing. I have tried to keep this email phishing tutorial simple for you to hack email account password. If you have any problem in using
Email phishing to hack email account password,
mention it in comments section.

Enjoy n hack email account password...

                                Please support me and subscribe my channel!!!!!

Here i want to show you how to make a phishing page using a Phishing Creator - Super Phisher and get account information for various websites from many people. Đ¢his is the easyest and also a very effectively way to make a phisher and hack any website account password.

Here are some features of Super Phisher:

  • Fastest phisher maker tool ever
  • Makes phisher for almost any site
  • Useful for users who dont knows HTML, PHP coding
  • No manual work except entering URL of website, for which u want to make phisher
  • Fully automated tool
  • Small in size.
  • Instant access to phishers you created.

For example i will show you how to make a phishing site of

Here is a step by step guide to hack any website account password using phishing creator tool:

1. First of all download Super Phisher HEAR

2. In "Super Phisher" folder, open "Super Phisher.exe" file to get something like:

3. Now, in "URL of Login Page", enter This is the site you wanna hack.

4. In "Name of Log File" write password.txt or whatever you like. This is the place where all typed id and password are stored. In "Name of PHP File" also type anything you like, e.g. lockerz.php or login.php...

5. In field of "Site redirect to", enter, so that victim is redirected to original Locker site when he enters his email and password.

6. Click on "Build Phisher" and you will get Lockerz phisher created in "Output" folder in current directory.

7. Upload all of the phisher files to any free webhost site like: RipWay

8. Once you have uploaded the files in the directory, send this phisher link to your victim and make him login to his Lockerz account using your sent Phisher.

9. Once he logs in to his Lockerz account using Phisher, all his typed email and password is stored in "password.txt".

10. Now you can see password in this .txt file and hack Lockerz account password.

Free download: How To Hack (HACKER'S BLACK BOOK 2008 tips & tricks)

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