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Car accident lawyers||Automobile Accident Attorney||Auto

Accident Attorney||car accident lawyers fees||Lawyer For Car

Accident Injury


Hundreds of car, and automobile vehicle accidents happen every day. If you’re the victim of an auto accident, then you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injures, pain, and property damage. You may be entitled to compensation, whether it be from the party at fault directly, or through their insurance provider.

Auto Accident Lawyers

A car accident can be a traumatic event - particularly when someone else is to blame. You have the shock of the accident itself, but may also be left with serious injuries and a damaged or destroyed vehicle. An auto accident lawyer can help you deal with the accident's aftermath and get the compensation you deserve.

What Do Auto Accident Lawyers Do?

A car accident lawyer is a type of personal injury lawyer. Car accident lawyers represent accident victims, specifically victims of accidents where another driver is at fault. Your auto accident lawyer can:

  • Look at the evidence surrounding your auto accident, including the vehicles themselves, review police reports and talk to eyewitness
  • Assess the total cost of your accident, including medical treatment, lost wages, the cost to repair or replace your car, as well as pain and suffering
  • Talk to the other driver, the driver's lawyer or the driver's insurance company in an effort to negotiate a settlement
  • File a lawsuit against the other driver if a settlement can't be reached
  • Represent you in court

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

There are several reasons to hire an auto accident lawyer, rather than trying to represent yourself.

Your automobile accident lawyer will have experience handling cases similar to yours. He or she will know the personal injury laws in your state, understand how to value your claim and will be comfortable negotiating a settlement or representing you in court.

Vehicle accident lawyers may also be familiar with others involved in your case - the defendant's insurance company and its lawyers, the judge, police and expert witnesses.

Perhaps the biggest benefit: When you're represented by a car accident lawyer, the other side can take you and your claim more seriously.

How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Cost?

Automobile accident lawyers typically charge clients a contingency fee. This means you pay your accident attorney nothing up front, but if your claim is successful, you share a percentage of that award with your auto accident lawyer.


When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

You should strongly consider hiring a personal injury lawyer if:

  • You sustained serious injuries with possible long-term repercussions.
  • The other involved driver was uninsured or underinsured.
  • You and the other driver are in dispute over who was at fault.
  • You are feeling pressured by the claims adjuster to agree to a quick settlement. Fast usually takes precedent over fair, often leading to rash decisions compounded by complicated insurance-speak in the settlement agreement.
  • You don't feel you're being fully compensated for your current and future medical costs resulting from your car accident injury.
  • You feel your state's statutes of limitation laws may come into effect before you can challenge the settlement claim on your own.


When Not to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Do not hire a personal injury attorney if your car accident injuries are minor. Hiring an injury attorney for a bruised knee cap or arm abrasions will not justify the legal costs.


What to Expect if You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Don't expect a fast settlement check if you opt to take an insurance company to court with the help of a personal injury attorney. Each auto claim case is different, of course, but it's not unusual for some cases to take several years to be resolved. This is especially true in heavily populated areas with busy court calendars.

According to the American Bar Association (ABA) most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means you will be charged a contingency fee based on the court settlement. Depending on the case and your attorney some contingency fees may be as high as 40%. Be sure, before hiring, to ask your lawyer for his or her contingency rate.

Keep in mind that you will also be responsible for paying all court-related fees like filing costs and copying expenses.

My Recommendation


Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers

Farar & Lewis LLP can help you get compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, rehab expenses, property damage, and other financial hardships you may have suffered.



Los Angeles car accident lawyers handle cases such as:

  • Car Accidents, involving roll overs,rear-end collisions  and head-on collisions
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck, semi-truck, or tractor trailer related collisions
  • MTA, Subway, and Bus related accidents
  • Vehicle accident leading to wrongful death

Regardless of the size of the auto accident, these accidents can have a wide-range of effects on the lives and health of victims. In many cases, there are medical conditions that develop sometime after the accident has already occurred  These conditions may, or may not, be visible to the naked eye.

The Given Information Are Taken From Different Websites My Work Is To Give You “The Best” Information Present.

Car Accident

One Response so far.

  1. wow what a nasty accident

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